3 Most Popular Blog Posts of 2023

March 16, 2023     |    4 minute read

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In case you missed it, check out the 3 most popular blog posts from last quarter:

1. Registration of Prepaid SIM Cards

Prepaid SIM cardsMillions of people in many parts of the world buy prepaid SIM cards to purchase mobile telephony and data services on a pay-as-you-go basis, as opposed to a subscription and contract. The vast majority of users are attracted to this model of service for its low cost, flexibility, and convenience. But the potential anonymity afforded by the prepaid model also attracts people who aim to use mobile phones to commit fraud, crime, or even terrorism. For this reason, many governments impose a mandatory registration for SIM card purchasers. It is a common practice on just about every continent except North America. A subset of these countries performs a biometric search as part of their registration process.

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2. SIM card registration strengthened through biometrics

SIM Registration with BiometricsThe vast majority of the world now owns a mobile device. According to a recent survey conducted by Delliote, mobile phone penetration is at 91% in developed countries and 90% in developing countries. Mobile devices are now a vital aspect of modern life. Without mobile devices, individuals are limited in their ability to participate in today’s economic and social activities. Besides communication, the modern mobile device allows you to pay bills, shop and even have an eCommerce business.  

Every mobile device contains a physical SIM card, a smart card inside a mobile phone, carrying an identification number unique to the owner, storing personal data, and preventing operation if removed.  Pre-paid SIM cards are preferred by many mobile phone users. According to GSMA, 73% of mobile subscriptions globally are pre-paid. In Africa, 94% of mobile subscriptions are pre-paid. In Central America it is 87%, in Asia 79%, Southern America 68%, Europe is 50%, and in North America 21% of mobile subscriptions are pre-paid.  

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3. How Does Deepfake Technology Work and Should I Be Worried About It?

Deepfake Technology

If you’ve spent time on social media, you might have come across what is a potentially concerning technological advancement – the deepfake. Deepfake images can be seen as anything from entertaining to concerning – or even scary. A political figure spreading propaganda they didn’t truly spread. A historical figure making a speech they didn’t actually make. A famous actor doing or saying things they didn’t do or say. Some questions you might be turning over in your mind – how are these images created? What are the security implications of deepfakes? Should I be worried? Rest assured, while deepfake technology is advancing, there isn’t a need to panic about what this could mean for the average person’s security.  


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